Saturday, December 28, 2019

Critical Analysis of Health Promotion Leaflet - 1585 Words

Critical analysis of health promotion leaflet This essay aims to critically appraise a health promotion leaflet (Appendix 1), which at present is incorporated in a health promotion campaign from the NHS. The evaluation of this leaflet will consist of: where the leaflet was sourced; a rationalization of the selected leaflet; the nurse’s role in relation to health education and health promotion with the use of leaflets; examine the leaflets use of illustrations, design and layout; substance of the information which s enclosed in the leaflet; pore over the leaflets readability information supported with literature on readability test; the leaflets target audience; ethnical concerns and application to practice. Appendix 1 is a campaign to†¦show more content†¦Bernier (1993) verbalize that each paragraph should begin by detailing the most important known information firstly, prior to expanding to bring in any new information. The paragraph should then finish up by concluding all main points described within. Appendix 1 has chosen paragraphs for the layout and not bullets points. Shaddock (2002) suggests that illustrations such as photographs, medical diagrams and charts are often used in leaflets to entice the reader to pick the leaflet up and read on. The use of illustrations such as pictures and text can help readers with poor literacy skills (Godsell and Scarborough 2006). Appendix 1 has a medical diagram and five individual close-up portraits of girls of school age, there are relaxed and smiling giving the impression that the vaccination is a positive and straightforward experience (Hall et al 2007). There are 5 health promotion approaches that consist of: behavioural change approach; societal change approach; medical approach; educational approach and client-centred approach (Ewles and Simnett 2003). Appendix 1 uses the educational approach to enlighten 16-17 years olds on the human papilloma virus vaccination. The educational approach presents the target audience with a platform of information so that the client/patient can make a knowledgeable evaluation whether to take part in the vaccination programme. However the nurse must be prepared and able to accept that not clients/patients will pursue the nurse’sShow MoreRelatedLeaflet Critique - Health and Social Care Essay1165 Words   |  5 Pagesappraising five different health promotional leaflets in relation to teenage health fitness and exercise. The analysis includes the evaluation of design, the effectiveness of illustration, textual layout, typography and contents. The organisation of material, language, readabili ty, learning and motivation is also assessed. All five leaflets are looked at in comparison to each other, highlighting out all the pros and cons. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Conflict Resolution An Integral Aspect Of Human Interaction

Conflict resolution is an integral aspect of human interaction. Every individual could benefit from harboring an understanding of the dynamics and nuances of effective conflict resolution, and what is essentially productive communication. I say this while my grasp on not only comprehending conflict resolution but also the implementation of such a thought process is still in its infantile stages and needs further development. None the less in such a short span of several months my perception and approach towards conflict resolution has changed drastically. Although many topics and new ideas were discussed over this course, there are three ideas that particularly differentiated themselves from the rest. The concepts that provide me with the most food for thought are those of focusing on interests, not positions, the art of mediation, and using objective criteria. To set the backstory of my past experiences with conflict resolution I will have to momentarily divert the attention to my f amily. As a disclaimer, I love my family but I’ve picked up some really bad habits from them. I absorbed two idiosyncrasies, one from each parent. The first was to avoid conflict at all costs. This led to the practice of bottling and redistributing my emotions. I kept everything to myself with hopes that it would help in avoiding any external conflict. This created a lot of internal conflict for me and cause pressure to build up. Once the pressure became unbearable I would disproportionatelyShow MoreRelatedConflict Resolution : An Integral Aspect Of Human Interaction1402 Words   |  6 PagesConflict resolution is an integral aspect of human interaction, but many people fail to navigate through it successfully. This course covered the many components that can lead to successful resolution. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Multiculturalism in Australia for Racial Act- MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMulticulturalism in Australia for Racial Act. Answer: Introduction In todays world, Multiculturalism is an important concept, because each and every country possesses different cultures and languages. So, it is very important to know about this concept to understand the multiculturalism in Australia. This essay includes the different aspects regarding multiculturalism and success level of multiculturalism in Australia. Today, Australia is reflected by the culturally diverse environment of its people, its prevention on discrimination, immigration policies and cultural policies, which enhance the diversity. Furthermore, this essay discusses that how much this concept in Australia country in 20th and 21st century. Different people have different views on the success of multiculturalism in Australia. It is successful but it also has some negative points. Generally, in political philosophy, aspect of multiculturalism has been explained in two different manners. Sometimes this term is used as a descriptive concept or it can be defined as a policy for responding to the culture diverse society. Multiculturalism is the concept of providing equal attention to different cultures and backgrounds in a particular environment. There is an example of multiculturalism, i.e. a classroom with the students, who are from different cultures and countries and who are speaking different languages (Clancy Greg, 2006). Multicultural policies differ extensively, ranging from the promotion of equal treatment and respect to different cultures in the society, to their different policies for maintaining the cultural diversity and to the policies, in which the people from different religious and ethnic groups are managed by authorities (Soutphommasane, 2016). This concept is used to explain the situation of society. Specifically, this is used to define the society, where different cultures exist together. There are various countries in the world, which are culturally diverse (Dunn, Atie et al, 2015). Canada is a major example, which includes various cultures, like; Native Americans, Amish, English Canadians, Hutterites, Chinese immigrants and Quebecois. There are different ways, in which the society can be diverse. For example, the culture can be in many practices. Possibly, the major ways in which any country may be culturally different is by having a variety of different language groups, religious groups, different racial groups and the groups, which describe themselves through their regional identity. Religious and language diversity are widespread practices in many countries. In this, all the religious groups are different from each other by various factors. Sometimes, these factors may be like; public holidays, festivals, worshiped G od and their clothes (Lcke, Kostova Roth, 2014). In 21st century, there are over 200 countries in the world and about 6000 languages are spoken. It generally results from two different groups. Today, Australia is one of the countries, which is reflecting multiculturalism arrangement of its population, policies, cultural policies and equal law for all the people. It is using various techniques to promote the cultural diversity among the people, for example; installation of Special Broadcasting Service. According to the census of the year 2011, 25% of the people were from overseas and 20% are, who had, one of their parents born overseas. At last, native Australians make up around 2.5% of the people (Soutphommasane, 2012). Diverse migrant society in Australia have carried in with them different life style, food and religious and cultural practices, which have been engaged in the major culture in Australia. Australia is generally seen as a successful multicultural country. Later 1945, approximately 7 million immigrants from more than 150 countries have come in Australia and settled. With this, different cultures and religions are also accepted, like; Islam and Judaism (Taylor, 2011). Countrys government, which has ruled since first white arrangement in the year 1788, has approved various policies and legislations to support multiculturalism. Though, Australia has not always succeeded in multiculturalism. All the people have not had equal rights. The example is like; right to vote and government have not focused on multiculturalism. It is true that Multiculturalism is an actuality of Australian society. It is one of the most multi-cultural, multi-faith and multi-language nations in the world. It accepts the people from different backgrounds and cultures. The results highlight the cultural difference of population in Australia. Multiculturalism plays an important part in the nation and assisting to develop a bright future for the Australian population. In 2012, a survey was conducted that revealed a huge assistance for immigration by the people of Australia. Most of Australians have shown a positive attitude towards the people from different cultures. 38% of the people believed that immigration consumption was more. The population of Australia adapts different religions, cultures and beliefs and there are very few, who criticize those, who have different practices (Australian Government, 2011). There are more than 260 languages, which are spoken in Australia and there are 21 different religions. Every religion ha s different values and principles and all of them are respected here. This country has ties with China and New Zealand, which are helping Australians to widen their view and understand the religions and cultures and how they impact the lives of people (Soutphommasane, 2013). Multiculturalism is a challenged concept and policy later it has introduced in Australia in1970s. With maintaining the core values and principles, in the three decades, federal policies have developed in response to altering the priorities of government and responses to these challenges, which are faced by the Australian society. However, the multicultural policy of Australia has its origins in government retorts to the issues, which are faced by the migrants, through 1980 and 1990, when the policy was made more widely as a component of nation building activities of Australia (Pedersen, 2013). Now, all the states in Australia have their policies and programs, which deal with multiculturalism. The previous governments of the country and other non-government organizations have developed many policies to provide the different backgrounds people better life style. In 1989, the Hawke Labor Government supported multiculturalism by introducing the National Agenda for multicultural Australia . This policy included the principles and values of this aspect including quote (Shohat Stam, 2014). The Labor government of 2007, which was led by Kevin Rudd, overturned the trend of past government, which was led by John Howard from negative approach to positive approach. Kevin Rudd demonstrated its assistance for multiculturalism by creating links with adjacent countries and set a National Multicultural Advisory Council that was given advice on quote. In 2010, this council released a report, named as The people of Australia. This valued multicultural attitude of Australia. The government of Australia is not the only, who supports the multiculturalism. There are many non-government organizations, which support this aspect, for example; Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) and Australia Partnership of Religious Organizations (APRO) (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015). From them, AMF promotes the importance and awareness regarding the cultures of people and how they can help to diversity in the country. It also conducts the stud about the diversity in Australia. Second, APRO is created of the people, who are from different communities and have different beliefs and they work together to enhance the social justice and promote the democracy and multiculturalism. Another study shows that Australia is not as multicultural as it looks. Asylum seekers are regarded as outcasts and the people, who do not deserve to stay freely because they trouble the society. Migrants come here from different places, risking their lives on yachts and ships, which are barely sea-worthy, for reaching in a free nation, where they can get peace and democracy. For the war-torn countries, Australia is the most neighboring country, where they can live freely. Australia is not always a successful multicultural country (Parekh, 2002). When the country was first founded by Captain Cook, that time he declared that it belonged to Britain, regardless this fact that the natives already stayed on the land. Cook said that this land belongs to no-one. This view point has been brought a majority of population since settlement of white people. The natives of Australia were always the true owners of the land, but their position as the father of Australian land has not been identifie d always. These people have been discriminated and ignored. The views of Aboriginals about the land and how to use this have dishonored and they have not same rights as other people of Australia. For example, right to vote, Aboriginal people had the right to vote in state election in all states except Western Australia and Queensland. Although, there are very few aboriginals, who knew their social rights and very few of them voted in the elections (Pakulski, Markowski, 2014). In the year 1902, the rights of these people changed under Franchise Act, 1902, eliminating aboriginals and other colored people from voting right. It was continued till 1962, when the Country Party Government and Menzies Liberal changed the legislation to permit the Aboriginals to vote in federal elections. In the similar year, Western Australia also permitted these people of that state to vote in elections, which were followed by Queensland also in 1965. In the duration of 1996-2007, at the time of liberal g overnment, which was led by Howard, did not put more focus on multiculturalism as compared to past governments. This government more emphasized on integration, assimilation and cultural unity (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015). In 1997, a NMAC council was set up that released a report with the title, Australian Multiculturalism for a New Century: Towards Inclusiveness in 1999. It defined the diversity and involved people in making Australia a multicultural nation. Although, it is more emphasized on the heritage of Ireland and Great Britain from which the democracy and social values have developed. Apart from this, in 20th century, for the first time Australian community was taking a large number of people, who were arriving here and they are not from Europe. When the Prime Minister, Fraser looks at his period and said Australia had no any option but accept the multiculturalism. There are some criticisms of Australian Multiculturalism, like it is based on the compact of citizenship. It means culture differences are to be involved there, but only when they are constant with staying in Australian democracy. Opposing its critics, multiculturalism in Australia has never approved a form of cultural relativism (Modood, 2013). The right to show the cultural identity and heritage has been escorted by duties and responsibilities. There must be an obligation to generous democratic values, to rule the laws and to speak freely. In other words, it can be said that Australian multiculturalism is always a practice in building the nation. It has always targeted to make Australian national identity strong, not to replace it. This has always been strong and been committed to liberal democracy (Novak, 2011). The assistant Minister of Multicultural Affairs has said currently, that the success of Australia as multicultural nation in the world is definitely grounded in compliance to the values, which fortify the society of Australia. It is also stated that success of multiculturalism depends on the involvement of the population of Australia in managing the different cultures and backgrounds. Recently, the multicultural policy of Australia, i.e. The people of Australia was introduced in 2011. This policy states that government programs and services must respond to the needs and wants of culturally diverse society. This commits to provide equity model to make sure that the duty of government is to provide equal service to all the Australians from different cultures and backgrounds. Furthermore, it stated that multiculturalism in Australia is not for one community but for all the Australians and it cannot be successful without the support from all the people (Australian Government, 2011). Conclusion Thus, Multiculturalism is the policy, which was introduced in Australia to deal with the needs of immigrants and it was considered as a sources of identifying the prevention of cultural identities and attaining social unity and social justice. It is hereby concluded that Australia is successful as multicultural country, which accepted different backgrounds and cultures and making the peoples life free. However, it cannot be indicated that Australia has always successful in multiculturalism and it have not been always multicultural. People have limited opportunities to enhance their life style and the rights, which are different from other cultures. All the rights are not given to them. Overall, it can be stated that Australia is a successful multicultural country despite the negative points. References Australian Government, 2011, The People of Australia Australias Multicultural Policy, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015, Freedom from Discrimination: Report on the 40th anniversary of the Racial Discrimination Act, Australian Human Rights Commission, Sydney. Clancy Greg, 2006, The Conspiracies of Multiculturalism. The Betrayal That Divided Australia, Sunda Publications, Gordon, New South Wales. Dunn, K Atie, R. et al, 2015, The resilience and ordinariness of Australian Muslims: Attitudes and experiences of Muslims Report, Western Sydney University, Sydney, p 27. Lcke, G., Kostova, T. and Roth, K., 2014. Multiculturalism from a cognitive perspective: Patterns and implications.Journal of International Business Studies,45(2), pp.169-190. Modood, T., 2013.Multiculturalism. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Novak, K, 2011, Is Multiculturalism is Working in Australia, retrieved from Parekh, B.C, 2002, Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory. Harvard University Press. Pakulski, J. and Markowski, S., 2014. Special issue: Migration and Multiculturalism: Australia and Europe: Journal of Sociology.Journal of Sociology,50(1). Pedersen, P., 2013.Multiculturalism as a fourth force. Routledge. Shohat, E. and Stam, R., 2014.Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the media. Routledge. Soutphommasane, T, 2012, Dont Go Back To Where You Came From: Why Multiculturalism Works, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney. Soutphommasane, T, 2016, The Success of Australian Multiculturalism, retrieved from Soutphommasane, T, 2013, Multiculturalism, for better or worse? Retrieved from Taylor, C, 2011, Multiculturalism, Princeton University Press.